The hilarious video of a little dog becoming extremely outraged by the service delivered by its owner at dinner time is causing internet users to burst into laughter!
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The clip shows a bulldog in an outfit patiently waiting for its dinner. When its owner spills the food out of the bowl, it becomes extremely angry and hits the bowl to demonstrate its dissatisfaction with the “waiter’s” service.
“Don’t forget I’m the boss. Serve me well and with great respect, understood?”, reads the caption shared along with the video on Instagram.
The funny clip, posted at the end of April, has already garnered over 870,000 views, as well as more than 29,000 likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who enjoyed the scene.
“My goodness, Mom, you ruined my dinner,” joked one Instagram user. “Yeah, he’s right, but darn it, I’d be mad too,” admitted another. “Next time serve properly!” commented a third internet user.
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